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Lotta's Lens

Life through the lens of a Production Assistant shoot — October 2021

Published on 24-11-2021 shoot, My camera has been a constant partner and companion for a while now, and since starting at CZAR this summer, I figured it could assist me in capturing my latest “new” chapter in life – working on set as a production assistant. The reason why I think catching film enthusiasts in their flow is so precious is because it allows people to see what expenditures are being taken in order to perfect a shot, how much team work it is to create even the tiniest sequence, as well as overall giving insight into a world a lot of people are unfamiliar with.

Light crew setting up their awning, which blocks any stream of light coming through the front windows, in order for an illusioned day for night shot.

Together we create, seems to the mojo of this photograph, as art, camera, light, as well as our stand-in character all move across the room to build the perfect home environment.

Catching our DOP lit up by a merge of artificial and natural light rays as falling through the windows, and descending from the soft light ball.

While usually Floris van der Lee (DOP) is the one to play and revive characters with the help of light and composition, this shot does the reverse to him, as he is softly illuminated from the side, while looking straight into the lens.

Manoeuvring through the room, to get even the most complicated ceiling lamps installed.