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Lotta's Lens

Lotta’s Lens II

Aldi shoot, November 2021

Published on 02-12-2021

Life through the lens of production assistant Lotta

Bart Timmer shares his creative aspirations with our lead actor, as she is about to kick off her first scene.

Getting ready to shoot sometimes requires waiting. This shot captures the brief moment before the magical cart came to life, as mobilised by Cyril (Modelmaker).

Lights are a sets’ best friends. Not only do they vitalise all sides of the characters, but in this case also illuminate the falling snow.

Creativity comes in various forms, with this picture encapsulating one of them: space usage. Here, the interior of ALDI also served as the creative agency’s spot, to come together, provide comments and exchange feedback with our Director Bart Timmer, and Executive Producer Willem Bos.

While everyone is hustling and bustling on set to get the shots done, this part of the crew is working their magic to put together the essential fuel for, in this case, a crew of over 50 people.

The lead actor, caught in the act of rehearsing a sequence, through getting acquainted with her temporary best cart friend.

CZAR’s executive producer Willem Bos doing what he does best: first-class quality producing, as in this case through the set radio.

Gaining two, if not three perspectives (if one counts the camera screen on the right) on the art department turning ALDI’s product selection into one that fits our Christmas spirited film.

Myrthe Mosterman, our DOP assessing the frame composition of the next shot, with Erik de Wildt (Gaffer), closely observing, and working together with her to create a telling dolly sequence.

Despite the cold and depth of night, the crew remained positive and motivated, as in this shot preparing and discussing how our lead actor could playfully, yet sincerely unpack her Christmas groceries (the car on the right side).

Most of the crew seemingly disappearing into the blackness of night, as contrasted by the illuminated ALDI sign, and overhead light.